Tamagawa Gakuen has a nice campus near Nanaimo - ナナイモ近郊に、玉川学園のキャンパスがあります

with Daisuke-san
with Daisuke-san

We arrived at Tamagawa Nanaimo Campus first.


Daisuke-san has lived in Nanaimo after graduating from Vancouver Island University.

Now he is the manager of Tamagawa Campus in Canada.








I am in a fairyland??? 

It's quiet. Somtimes in Nanaimo I feel if it is real or a dream.

"Nature" makes me happy!!!



だって、静かなのです。 ナナイモにいると、時々、これは現実だかそうでないのかと。



                                                              ↓ at the campus


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